Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Well, I'm doing it.

I've been talking about starting a blog for mayyyybe five years now, and am finally pulling the trigger.

I know the world probably doesn't need yet another blogger, but to hell with it.

So here's the deal. I've got a pretty serious amount of weight to lose. Many delicious meals, stressful months, happy months, lazy weekends, and a lackluster metabolism have left me about eighty pounds (holy hell) overweight and I'm over it. We'll get into details later.

I'm ready to check myself, clean up my eating and get my ass in gear. The challenge: I'm a food person. Serious food person, like it's how I make a living food person. This isn't my first attempt at dropping some serious weight, and it always comes down to the fact that I just really love to eat well and a few months of 1200 carb-less calories gets old. Fast.

So I've got to lose the weight of a fifth grader, while eating satisfying food. I also have to appease the sophisticated palette of my boyfriend, who I live with, and who is doing this all alongside me. Oh, and I hate working out and am beyond out of shape.

I'm surrounded by incredible food all day. We're talking loaves of the best bread I've ever had, readily available hot out of the oven at 3:00 pm every day, with French butter and salt. Temptations are everywhere, I'm not known for my willpower, and I have to make sure a man will happily eat everything that I make for us.

It's not going to be pretty. It's going to be hard more days than it isn't. I'm going to get hangry. I'm going to want to quit. I probably will quit for a little bit, and will hopefully get my butt back on the bandwagon because this is the last year I make a resolution to lose this much weight. But it should also be funny, and if all goes according to plan, a little inspiring.

I promise this won't be just about food and weight and exercise. Because no one wants that. I'll be honest, and probably a little too revealing, but that's what this is. I need some accountability and what better way than sharing this brutal process with the world, even if the world is just my mom (hi Mom!).

I've got to start somewhere, so here it is. A starting point.

I'm doing it.

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